It’s about time you take off your training wheels, join the community, and change the world. This isn’t your typical Christian Network: Together, we fight to expand the Kingdom of God in this world through powerful content. Together we laugh while learning how to engage cultural topics with consistent Biblical responses.
School Wars - October 16-18th
Fight, laugh & Feast Conference 2025
Rebuilding Christendom with our Kids.
Rocketown: 601 Fourth Ave South
Nashville, TN 37210
Conference Opportunities
Business Makers Network
The Fight Laugh Feast Business Makers Network, therefore, isn’t just about business in the conventional sense but about doing business in a way that reflects and advances a Christian worldview, fostering a community where faith, family, and finances are seen as interconnected elements of a life lived out for God’s glory.
Rowdy Christian
Inspired by the good news of Christ’s lordship over all things, Rowdy is dedicated to creating a collection of stylish and comfortable everyday-clothing that promotes boldness of faith. Get 15% off orders of $50 or more!

Join our Community in Discord
This is our exclusive Fight, Laugh & FeastDiscord group, and our hope is that it is a great catalyst for good discussion and new friendships. The goal of this Discord channel(s) is to be a resource for network with likeminded christians…show support our efforts. We welcome posts about your new business venture, questions about resources for your family or business, new church plants and conferences, help finding a church in a new location, and any other way we can bless each other.
It’s about time you take off your training wheels, join the community, and change the world.
Corporate Pub Benefits program
All club members get our Corporate Pub Benefits. Here is how this program works: whenever someone joins the Pub, our participating Corporate Partners will send all new club members a product from their offerings along with a flier or letter introducing their company to you. This benefits you as a Pub member with a nice gift and our Corporate Partner gets to introduce themselves to you. So for example, starting in April, our newest partner as part of this program is Squirrelly Joe’s Coffee ( All new Pub members who sign up will be a getting a free bag of Squirrelly Joe’s coffee shipped right to your doorstep, just by becoming a club member! Note: You to can join our Corporate Pub Benefits program, just email me at Thanks for supporting our efforts. Lord bless
Now to the rest of the email!
Fight, Laugh & Feast Magazine
Our Fight Laugh Feast Magazine will be a quarterly issue that packs a punch like a 21 year Balvenie, no ice. We don’t water down our theology, why would we water down our scotch? Order a yearly subscription for yourself and then send a couple yearly subscriptions to your friends who have been drinking luke-warm evangelical cool-aid.

NEW FLF Course for Screen writers
NEW FLF Course by CR Wiley on Tom Bombadil
Are You a Christian Nationalist?
This Thanksgiving, Be Thankful the Pilgrims Tried Communism--And It Didn’t Work
Rittenhouse, the Right, and Our Evangelistic Opportunity
We’re Gaining Ground: Reflecting on the FLF Conference
Be an immune system prepper
A Ladder, a Bible, and a Preacher: Fighting to End Abortion in South Carolina
Being Tossed To and Fro By Critical Race Theory
Christian Defense of Nationalism
Book Review: Strong and Courageous
2020: The Year of Our Lord
What Skills Make a Man Valuable?
The Grinch and His Heart Problem
Author Interview: It's GOOD to be a Girl!
Fire in the Chest: The Imminent Sexual Reckoning
Cynical Theories: A Christian Review
The America to Come
Militant Joy: Reflections on the First FLF Conference
In Diversity We Trust?
Did you know we have our own social media platform for Club Members?
As platforms like Facebook and Instagram get more and more woke, this new platform is a great place for Christians to come together to Fight, Laugh, and Feast with joy!

Available Now
Fight, Laugh & Feast
We provide intense courses that will challenge and equip you as you engage culture for the glory of God.
7 - 8 Weeks
Classes run for eight weeks.
Personal Class Room
Live lectures and discussions