How does LOOR work? – Streaming gamified

  • How does LOOR work? – Streaming gamified

    Posted by Sarmiento on June 21, 2023 at 6:55 pm

    When it comes to original programming on streaming service, like Netflix and Disney+, filmmakers pitch their stories and executives will choose what gets made, whether the subscriber wants it or not. Unfortunately, this means degenerate movies/TV shows, especially with todays push for DIE (Diversity, Inclusion and Equity…and I believe this is the correction acronym for it), will be made WITH YOUR MONEY.

    LOOR is different. LOOR is a cross between Netflix and Kickstarter (I personally would add Patreon as well) where only the shows that get made are those that the subscriber chooses.

    Pitches are still done, but the executives don’t choose what gets made. They only choose the best in passionate Christian storytelling to be put on the platform for YOU, the subscriber, to choose. These stories are the kind that breaks the mold of what passes as Christian films today, whether they are Hallmark-type rom-coms, preachy pull-on-the-heart strings tear-jerkers, or the just plain awful that dominate free streaming services like 24Flix and Tubi.

    So how do you choose? Your subscription fee garners you the platform’s currency call Silver Loot every week. Every week, you allocate the Loot towards the projects that YOU want to see get made. Will every project be appealing to you? Not always, but that is the beauty of LOOR. Your subscription fee goes where you want it to go!

    LOOR has recently added the “gamified” part of the platform by introducing Gold Loot. Anyone familiar with video games, this would be the “microtransactions” that would boost your in-game character with access to special items. In LOOR, you can purchase Gold Loot to help fund your favorite projects FASTER!

    “But Victor! There was a trailer for a project that I saw where I really hated the casting! And I won’t join LOOR unless that changes!”

    Of course, that is a choice anyone is free to choose. However, if people were consistent, they would have to stop watching TV altogether. But that’s not what people do. They selectively choose what they watch, and that’s really the point of YOU, the subscriber, allocating Loot to what you want made!

    And LOOR hasn’t stopped with just Loot. They have implemented a Quest system where YOU, the subscriber, will be able to earn more Loot by completing tasks, and/or experience points to level you up towards various prizes to be announced.

    Come check out what LOOR has in store for YOU!

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